Free Data Tool: Analysis of 3rd Quarter Loan Loss Reserves for U.S. Community Banks

Check out this new Invictus Group tool, which will help you do just that. The tool includes data for the quarter ending September 30, 2020 back to the fourth quarter of 2019.


Want to compare your loan loss reserve to other banks?

As your bank closes its books for the year, here are examples of analyses you can perform

  • Compare your bank with all the other banks in your state or the U.S.
  • Perform trend analysis with prior quarters
  • Compare your bank with a select customized peer group
  • Adjust your reserve based on your findings
  • Compare CECL filers to incurred loss filers and much more!

You do NOT need to download anything, either. You can access the tool right here:

How to use the tool

STEP 1  Select a subject bank. This will likely be your bank, but you can choose to look at the data on any basis you’d like.

STEP 2  Select the comparison state. You can pick multiple states, or just one. Please note that if you would like to see your bank show up on the scatter chart, you must select your state.

STEP3   Filter for CECL adopters (or not… or both). You can utilize this filter to try and understand how the onset of CECL has affected reserve rates for banks in your region.

STEP 4  The data goes back to 2019Q4 – which was the last quarter before the ‘noise’ from both COVID-19 and CECL adoption. Change this filter actively to see how bank’s reserves have changed through time – particularly because of COVID-19 and CECL adoption.

STEP 5  You can use this filter to narrow or customize your own peer group. The banks you will be able to choose from in this list will be only those institutions from the state that you’ve selected in Step 2.