Invictus Intel Blog

Get Ready for Tough Concentration Questions at your Next Bank Exam

No matter the regulator, community banks with concentration issues should expect extra scrutiny at their next exam. Banks without proper concentration risk management processes are in danger of CAMELS downgrades, enforcement...

What Every Community Bank with a CRE Concentration Needs to Do Before March

If you work for a bank that has a CRE or construction concentration, you most likely know that regulators have you in their cross hairs. I’ve seen several instances over the last few weeks in which examiners have notified banks...

Regulators Double Down on Need for Community Bank Climate Risk Management

Both the FDIC and the OCC have signaled in recent weeks that they expect community banks to begin understanding their climate-related risks “in the near term.”

Ten Questions that Banks with High CRE Concentrations Should Answer

The pressure is continuing to increase on banks with CRE concentrations. First it was the FDIC, which put community banks with CRE concentrations in its crosshairs when the supervisory division released its update on commercial...

Community Bank Climate Risk Analytics: A Case Study

How to use Portfolio Weather Event Risk analytics to evaluate potential flood risks for community banks

Examiners Renew CRE Concentration Focus

CRE Exam Essentials™  Program Can Help Banks Get Ready

How to Prepare for Climate Risk Management

Bank regulators refer to two types of risk from climate change:

Invictus Names Head of Climate Risk Analytics

The Invictus Group has named Avik Ray as director of its new climate risk division.