Thanks, but no thanks: That’s the resounding message from community banks about the new community bank leverage ratio framework. Two out of every three banks chose not to opt into the new framework, according to an exclusive...
Invictus Intel Blog
When the Hypothetical is Now: The Importance of Pandemic Stress Testing
Why Banks Need to Get Ahead of the COVID-19 Economy
Regression Depression: Uh Oh, Your Model is Wrong
COVID-19 has every bank thinking about how to modify its reserves. Some of the largest institutions have taken double-digit hits on that basis. Community banks, understandably, are uncertain about what exactly they should be...
How to Keep Your M&A Deals Alive During COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic keeps the global economy in shackles, most community banks are not focused on strategic initiatives like M&A. However, there are two camps of banks that must think about M&A during the pandemic: those...
Beyond Loan Modifications and PPP: What Lenders Should be Doing with Vulnerable Borrowers
During our recent COVID-19 stress testing webinar, I discussed how one of the primary goals of stress testing is to rank your loans based on their capital at risk as measured by the stress test. Community banks can then use these...
Projecting Interest Income Needs New Approach in Pandemic Economy
COVID-19 may be as contagious economically as it is medically. Community banks, whose lifeblood is interest income, have significant exposure to companies that have been hit particularly hard. They face the question of how to...
Bankers Should Focus on Five Loan Characteristics to Assess Risk from COVID-19 Economy
Many community banks have been in touch with their borrowers to assess their financial condition during this precarious economic environment. Bankers are also segmenting their portfolios based on some of the most affected...
The Hidden “Surcharge” Embedded in the CBLR
The Federal Reserve approved a simplification of the capital rules for the large banks on March 4, which coincided with the beginnings of the collapse in financial markets due to COVID-19. So, what does this have to do with...