Invictus Intel Blog

IMCR's- Prevention and Rehabilitation

Author: Adam Mustafa, CEO

Reports are emerging about regulators prescribing Individual Minimum Capital Requirements (IMCRs) to banks with Commercial Real Estate (CRE) and construction loan concentrations. IMCRs are often...

How to Effectively Communicate with Regulators

Author: Patti Casaleggio, Head of Operations

Navigating regulatory landscapes can be challenging, especially for financial institutions facing increased scrutiny and evolving standards. Effective communication with regulators is...

Empowering Your Bank's Stress Testing Strategy: Why Choosing the Right Analytics Partner Matters

Author: Patti Casaleggio 

As we navigate today’s intricate landscape of financial risk management, stress testing remains a cornerstone of proactive risk mitigation for banks. In today's dynamic environment, securing the right...

Does Your Bank have a Liquidity Problem?

Author: Avik Ray , Director, Liquidity Risk Analytics

In the dynamic landscape of community banking, staying ahead of potential liquidity problems is crucial for maintaining stability and growth. As guardians of the financial...

Liquidity Concerns Lurking for Some Banks with CRE Concentrations

Author: Adam Mustafa, CEO 

Concerns surrounding liquidity and funding are poised to become a pressing issue for banks with concentrations in commercial real estate (CRE), drawing the attention of bank examiners, analysts, and...

The Risks of Relying on Expensive Funding Sources for Community Banks

Author: Avik Ray, Director Liquidity Risk Analytics 

The Risks of Relying on Expensive Funding Sources for Community Banks

Community banks play a vital role in fostering local economic growth and providing essential financial...

Community Bank Climate Risk Analytics: A Case Study

How to use Portfolio Weather Event Risk analytics to evaluate potential flood risks for community banks

Examiners Renew CRE Concentration Focus

CRE Exam Essentials™  Program Can Help Banks Get Ready

How to Prepare for Climate Risk Management

Bank regulators refer to two types of risk from climate change: