Invictus Intel Blog
Sleepless CEO Nights: Say Goodbye to Traditional Pricing Benchmarks
Updated: Additional Data Shows Most Banks Saying No to CBLR
As we told you last month, two out of every three community banks chose not to opt into the Community Bank Leverage Ratio. We've updated our numbers as more banks file their Call Reports, but the trend continues. The latest...
Podcast: Why Banks Should Know Their Margin of Safety During the COVID-19 Crisis
No one has a crystal ball that can predict when and how the economic fallout from the coronavirus will end. But community banks need a way to understand how their capital will fare as conditions change – and which loans they need...
The Shortfalls of Loan-Level CRE Stress Testing in a COVID-19 World
The coronavirus has presented the first threat to community banks since the 2008 financial crisis. For the first time, stress testing is a real exercise. What community banks across the country are discovering with dread right...
News Alert: Two out of Three Banks Say No to the Community Bank Leverage Ratio
Thanks, but no thanks: That’s the resounding message from community banks about the new community bank leverage ratio framework. Two out of every three banks chose not to opt into the new framework, according to an exclusive...
When the Hypothetical is Now: The Importance of Pandemic Stress Testing
Why Banks Need to Get Ahead of the COVID-19 Economy
Regression Depression: Uh Oh, Your Model is Wrong
COVID-19 has every bank thinking about how to modify its reserves. Some of the largest institutions have taken double-digit hits on that basis. Community banks, understandably, are uncertain about what exactly they should be...
How to Keep Your M&A Deals Alive During COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic keeps the global economy in shackles, most community banks are not focused on strategic initiatives like M&A. However, there are two camps of banks that must think about M&A during the pandemic: those...